
Rodney Syler


Library Hosts Meet the Author event for native Rodney Syler

LYNCHBURG — The tall hickory saplings, the family farm, and the river that runs through it all. To Moore County readers who pick up a copy of native Rodney Syler’s new book, Yellow Fever, they’ll feel awfully familiar.

Yellow Fever, 274 pages, Archway Publishing

“Growing up in Lynchburg and the surrounding area was very influential,” says Syler. “The JuJu scene came from a few similar rides on tall hickory saplings back on the family farm with brothers or friends. The river in the book seems a bit bigger, but the Elk River it certainly comes to mind.”

Syler will visit the Moore County Public Library on Friday, August 28 from 1 to 3 p.m. for a Meet the Author event. He will bring copies of his novel for purchase and signing.

Set in a rural southern town, the book reminds the reader of the pure fun of imagination-fueled childhood adventure. It’s a nostalgic tale, of Don, Ray, and Amber as they navigate their friendship and the rural county looking for treasure and a sense of belonging. It an engrossing story of resilience and the power of childhood friendships. It’s Home Alone meets Treasure Island with a small town southern twist.  

There’s no doubt that local readers will see familiar images and scenes in his book. Though it’s not set in Moore County, Syler says much of the setting was inspired by a childhood spent hunting, fishing, camping, and working on his family’s farm.

“The cave is a combination of Motlow Cave, Silvertooth Cave, Bishops Cave, Chicken House Cave and a few more,” Syler told The Times. “I expect that even subconsciously, I included familiar local places that shaped the dialog.”

A native of Moore County, Syler hails from the Hurdlow community where he grew up with his parents, Clayton and Maggie Syler, and four siblings Kerry, Rickey, Craig, and Tanya. He graduated from Moore County High School and then attended both Motlow State and MTSU. He worked at Jack Daniel’s Distillery for many years as the assistant production controller.

He now lives in Franklin with is wife, Lisa. The couple have three children and four grandchildren. Syler is also a designer and inventor who holds 13 U.S. patents for various designs.

Moore County News

Fire the Rocket

Years ago my friend and co-worker had a good saying. He said, “You plan, you design, you do everything you can to make it perfect, but eventually you have to fire the rocket.”
He was speaking metaphorically of releasing new designs into production and the marketplace. My wife Lisa’s art teacher of many years has a similar saying, SiMO. That means “sign it” and “move on.” Now that I have begun to write novels, I find the same to be true. Every time I read through a the draft, I find sentences I could change around and maybe substitute a stronger verb for a strong adverb. But there comes a time to “fire the rocket.”
About 2:15 a.m. today I finally fired the rocket 🚀 on Yellow Fever, The Caged Ruby. It is now at the publisher and will be available as paperback and e-book in a few days.

Though I have two more books in the series in progress, it’s a big relief to SiMO on this one. Now it’s time to market and promote. This novella, a short novel, is actually book 1 in the series of 4. It introduces two characters who play a large roll in all subsequent books. In The Caged Ruby, you get to know Taylor, a tough girl of fourteen, as she finds a path forward in life that sets her apart and paves the way for tremendous adventures as she is a young adult. Rex Gulliver comes into play when they meet in college in Biology lab and share a frog. Taylor’s special talents and Rex’s wealth and goal of encountering adventures all around the world, make for a dynamic couple. They waste no time getting neck deep in all kinds of trouble.

And those of you who have already met Amber, in Yellow Fever, Finding the Treasure Within, already know the titles might have multiple meanings.
I better stop before I spill the whole story. It will be available at all the usual booksellers like Amazon in a few days.
You can get this e-book Caged Rubyfree at my website by signing up for the newsletter.
Please share this with everyone and let’s get this book out there for the world. I know you will enjoy it. Thank you in advance. Rodney Syler

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